It is the goodness of our cause that interests God more than our physical and mental disposition. What God has designed us to achieve in His master plan should determine our course in life. This explains why the young, rustic and seemingly inexperienced boy David could defeat Goliath in battle. This explains why Moses, the son of a Hebrew slave, could stand before Pharaoh and make the will of God known to him concerning his people. This explains why weak people like me (T.B. Joshua), who are without great strength, fast legs or smoothness of tongue, should ever remain grateful to God for the purpose He has designed us for. His divine cause is what we are born for, what we are living for and what we are going to die for. As a Christian, when you understand this philosophy of life, you will continue to strive, to press on – after that divine cause for your life.
Remember - after struggling, after our hard labour, God would still have to mark our work. When we have done everything, we must leave the issue with Him. If we succeed, we must give Him all the glory. If we fail, we must submit to His will, for we may not know when our time is coming. Remember, everyone has a divine cause; the way and manner God executes His plans in people’s lives differ.
The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. If you are outside Nigeria, and you do not have the time or money to Come to Nigeria yourself, Look for some one you trust who can get the morning water or anointed stickers from Senior prophet TB Joshua. But if you do not have the time to come to the church and get it, send an E-mail directly to SCOAN ADMIN ( ) specifying what you need. We will send the morning water to you, it's totally free.
Please you are required to provide us the following details, so that we can register your Morning Water Request in the CHURCH, and ship them to your home address in your country.
1. Your Names:
2. Your Gender:
3. Your Country:
4. Your State or City:
5. Your home address:
6. Your phone Number:
7. How many bottles of the Morning Water you need?:
8. PRAYER REQUEST: (If you have prayer request include it).
These details are highly needed, for the shipping of the items to you. Please ensure that you submit these details along with your Morning Water request. To enhance safe delivery of the Morning Water to you.
Send the details to our E-mail:
Remain blessed. EMMANUEL!!!
The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. If you are outside Nigeria, and you do not have the time or money to Come to Nigeria yourself, Look for some one you trust who can get the morning water or anointed stickers from Senior prophet TB Joshua. But if you do not have the time to come to the church and get it, send an E-mail directly to SCOAN ADMIN ( ) specifying what you need. We will send the morning water to you, it's totally free.
Please you are required to provide us the following details, so that we can register your Morning Water Request in the CHURCH, and ship them to your home address in your country.
1. Your Names:
2. Your Gender:
3. Your Country:
4. Your State or City:
5. Your home address:
6. Your phone Number:
7. How many bottles of the Morning Water you need?:
8. PRAYER REQUEST: (If you have prayer request include it).
These details are highly needed, for the shipping of the items to you. Please ensure that you submit these details along with your Morning Water request. To enhance safe delivery of the Morning Water to you.
Send the details to our E-mail:
Remain blessed. EMMANUEL!!!