In Romans 8:35, Paul asked, ‘What is it that can distract me from running the straight race with God?’ Can sickness, poverty, persecutions, hardship? No; in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Trust God’s authority, not man’s majority. Remember, each day God sends His loving aids to strengthen you and me. His aids are enough to see us through any situation. What is your situation? Remember, the Lord is our Shepherd. If the Lord is your Shepherd, you would not be in want. If the Lord is your Shepherd, His grace would be sufficient for you to face any situation you are in. If the Lord is your Shepherd, whatever situation you are in would strengthen your determination and desire for Him. Instead of your situation to hold you down, it would propel you. Instead of your situation to discourage you from praying, it would be an incentive to pray the more.
Ask God to give you enough grace to stand each trial you face. Your trial could be sickness, poverty or failure. Whatever situation you are in, ask God to give you enough grace to overcome.
The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. If you are outside Nigeria, and you do not have the time or money to Come to Nigeria yourself, Look for some one you trust who can get the morning water or anointed stickers from the church. But if you do not have anyone to send, or the time to come to the church and get it, send an E-mail directly to SCOAN ADMIN specifying what you need. We will send the morning water to you.
So get yours by making online registration and purchase by contacting our email.
Please you are required to provide us the following details, so that we can register your Morning Water Request in the CHURCH, and ship them to your home address in your country.
1. Your Names:
2. Your Gender:
3. Your Country:
4. Your State or City:
5. Your home address:
6. Your phone Number:
7. How many bottles of the Morning Water you need?:
8. PRAYER REQUEST: (If you have prayer request include it).
These details are highly needed, for the shipping of the items to you. Please ensure that you submit these details along with your Morning Water request. To enhance safe delivery of the Morning Water to you.
Submit the details above to our. E-mail:
So get yours by making online registration and purchase by contacting our email.
Please you are required to provide us the following details, so that we can register your Morning Water Request in the CHURCH, and ship them to your home address in your country.
1. Your Names:
2. Your Gender:
3. Your Country:
4. Your State or City:
5. Your home address:
6. Your phone Number:
7. How many bottles of the Morning Water you need?:
8. PRAYER REQUEST: (If you have prayer request include it).
These details are highly needed, for the shipping of the items to you. Please ensure that you submit these details along with your Morning Water request. To enhance safe delivery of the Morning Water to you.
Submit the details above to our. E-mail:
- T.B. Joshua